Monday, May 18, 2009

Close Lightning Strike

I just photographed an amazing lightning strike near my house. It hit a tree across the highway from me and I caught it on the camera. I was close enough to literally see the pine needles explode off the tree.
Here's a crop of the tree from the above photograph.
It was quite loud.


  1. Al, you absolutely have to walk over there (on a clear, cloud-free day) and get us an up-close photo of this tree.

    That is amazing!

    Were you out trying to get lightning picks or was it a complete fluke?

  2. I was trying to get lightning pix, I had a neutral density filter on and exposure parameters specifically set to capture it. But I got lucky with the timing.

  3. Amazing photo! I have a little luck with lightning at night with "bulb" or long exposure, but nothing like this. My son David sent me the like to your blog. Iwas in the Springs last weekend and have posted some shots on both my blogs LewsPics and LewsotherPics.

  4. WOW! I cannot believe you not only saw that but captured it! How amazing! Thanks for posting these!

  5. Sorry I am still here and I am still totally blown away by that! I cannot believe how wide the lightning strike is, it looks the same width as the tree stem and given the height of the tree, scaling off the house, I can guess the stem width. Are they usually that wide do you know or is this a particularly big one?

  6. Questa foto Al, รจ veramente sensazionale... io non sono mai riuscita a fotografare una scarica elettricca....
    Baci Myriam


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