Saturday, April 30, 2011

Dubrovnik Cannon

Continuing with my old photos of Dubrovnik for Sunday Scans, here's another looking seaward, showing some of the city's protection against sea raiders.
I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of that!


  1. paso a deharte un beso, wow que bello cañon.

  2. Imagine the surprise of the original citadel inhabitants to discover it was now a tourist destination.

  3. The cannon is in the perfect spot to it's job. Great shot Al.

  4. Whoa! I wonder where it's aiming at! Very cool photo :D

  5. Oh my I can't imagine when this exploded what a scary thing to hear it. Specially when this is really hidden the enemy for sure can't see it in a distance. ^_^

    Sunday scans

  6. Wow, what a blog! I mean, you just have so many guts to go ahead and tell it like it is. You’re what blogging needs, an open minded superhero that isn’t afraid to tell it like it is. This is definitely something people need to be up on. Good luck in the future, man

  7. A fantastic old wall to walk! And I remember people used to sunbath on the rocks below- and jumping out in the water!!


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