Wednesday, November 5, 2014

USS Pampanito (Outside)

Following on from the previous post, here are some photos of the USS Pampanito, this time viewing the outside.


  1. I've always been fascinated by big ships!! I guess it's because I grew up a long way from water, in the middle of Texas!! I loved seeing the ships come into the harbor when I lived in California and in New Orleans!! SO, I've loved these captures!! Hope your week is going well, Al!! Give the pups a pat for me and I hope the remainder of your week is a good one!!

  2. Phew, you have surfaced. Glad to know you are on terra firm again.

  3. right now, I am having a lot of correspondence with the Chinese Canadian Military, filling them with the War in Borneo.

  4. Nice shots. I like pics of old warships.

  5. The big guns are awesome! I'll bet the whole ship shook when the big one went off!! Cool pics.

  6. It is good to know you are on firm ground again ;) to me it is mind-boggling how those subs operate.

  7. Great post. I spent lots of time reading the history of this sub. Thank you. Fine photos.

  8. Great photos Al. I love ships and boats of all types and have been on a lot of them. However, I would never go underwater in a submarine. I love exploring them whenever I have a chance (which hasn't been often). Heck, I never even liked the "faux" subs at Disneyland.


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