Saturday, June 25, 2016

Cute Socks

My little buddies and I went for a 4.1 mile (6.6 km) in a nearby park this morning; they love to join me and get very excited when they see me getting ready to go. Here's a recent shot of the 11-year-old one.


  1. Hello, it is great your cute Socks can go 4 miles. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  2. Oh so adorable and great shot! They do love their walks!

    Happy Day and Weekend to you ~ ^_^

  3. it's always a joy to see Socks. i'm sure he enjoyed his walk with you. but, i'm guessing he was one tired pup afterwards... hope all is well. have a great day~

  4. Hey Socks!! Good to see ya!! Looking good!!


  5. Socks is so pretty! (Handsome). it's great that they can walk that far -- I couldn't do it in that altitude that is for sure!

  6. LOVE to see you, adorable Socks!!
    I would love to know you in person!!


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