Saturday, November 19, 2011

Rudesheim, Germany (View)

For Sunday Scans, here's another old photo from Germany in 1974. This time we're moving to the town of Rüdesheim, on the Rhine. Here's a view from above the town; we'll get closer to the town over the next couple of weeks.


  1. Beautiful capture for the day, Al! Love the golden trees! Hope your weekend is going well and that you and Socks get out for a walk! Give him a pat from Sam and me!

    Sylvia and Sam Schnauzer

  2. That is a lovely shot...those trees are grand.

  3. The blog contains informational and educational material. The post enhance my thoughts and experience. So nice!
    I've got to scramble to keep up with your prodigious output!

  4. I love this shot! I visited Rudesheim a little after you - late 1980's. I must dig up that photo album (if I can find it!) and compare pictures!!!

  5. Fun to see the colors of the paper pictures to the digital pictures we have today.. :)

    Beautiful sunrise further down!

    and special buildnings in the city of Portland below!



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