Al's Photography Blog

Al's Photography Blog
Pikes Peak As Seen From Our House

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

More Black Forest Trees

Here's another photo taken in the nearby Black Forest Regional Park, which is unfortunately too well-named since last year's wildfire.
Lew asked me last week whether these trees would sprout new growth. They will not - they were killed in last year's wildfire and will eventually topple. There is some growth on the forest floor, but it will be decades before trees of this size have replaced all the dead ones. And this is my Skywatch Friday entry for the week.


  1. So sad to see such a lovely forest turned into black, barren trees.

  2. The beautiful skies as a background seem to reinforce the sense/feeling of loss that these trees seem to shout at the world around! A sad but dramatic capture for the day, Al. Hope you and the doggies have had a good week so far and may it get even better!

  3. I like the angle of the shot.

  4. Nice. I like how you got down low for this shot.

  5. Hmmm. What a shame the Black Forest really is a black forest.

  6. Al, it's very sad that these trees would not sprout new growth again...

  7. Beautiful photography but sad about the trees ~ Great shot for SWF ~ thanks,

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  8. That's really too bad. I know they say some of the fires here in S CA are actually healthy for the system, thins out the unhealthy trees, and leaves the survivors stronger. Looks like there were no survivors here.

  9. It made for a great photo, but is so darn sad. One of the areas that we spend a lot of time in (the next two weeks for example) has been devastated by wild fires several times. Yes, it has greened up with scrub brush things like that, but the amazing Coulter pines will not reappear in my lifetime, or maybe even ever.

  10. Love the sky! Nature will recover in due time. We are the impatient ones.

  11. ✿⊱•°
    Uma perda dessas é muito triste!
    Espero que a natureza ainda tenha força para se regenerar e que nós consigamos cuidar melhor dela.

    Bom fim de semana!

  12. Lively skies and perished trees together make an awesome composition...symbolizing Life and Death!


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